Translate Games and Doujin-Manga with SaikouToolkit
SaikouToolkit a all in one toolkit for translation games and doujin-manga over sugoi or ai llm.
Find in it new howto videos for all tools, nodvd patcher, noregion loader and other tools.
Best is to copy the downloaded file to C: Drive and right click the file select “7zip > Extract Here” to extract it.
Read the readme.txt for more infos and set you system to japanese mode to get all content working.
In the “How-to-Videos” folder will you find many howto videos for all tools and more read the readme.txt in it for more infos.
Updated SaikouToolkit to V1.01, some bug fixed and added support for VNTL V2 llm model see readme.txt for VNTL V1 support.
H-Codes made by moeload Link
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